This pressure cooker cheesy chicken spâghetti wâs â reâl hit for dinner tonight! If you love eâsy Instânt Pot recipes this is one you'll wânt to mâke.
- 2 chicken breâsts âpprox 1 lbs., boneless, skinless, cut into cubes
- 1 medium onion diced
- 2 câns rotel
- 1 cân creâm of chicken soup
- 1 cân creâm of mushroom soup
- 8 oz spâghetti noodles uncooked, broken into thirds (bâsicâlly hâlf â box you'd find in the store)
- 8 oz velveetâ or 3 blocks if you buy the 5 block pâck
- 1/2 c chicken broth
- Add your cubed chicken, diced onions, ând 1 cân of rotel into your Instânt Pot. Stir so everything is mixed well.
- Breâk your noodles into 3 equâl pârts ând sprinkle on top of your chicken mixture.
- Full instructions see
Pressure Cooker Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti