This Câjun Chicken Âlfredo is one of our new fâvorite meâls. It is so simple to mâke ând âbsolutely pâcked with flâvor. Tender chunks of chicken with smoky pieces of sâusâge in â rich ând delicious homemâde âlfredo sâuce. This meâl serves â crowd but tâkes less thân 30 minutes to mâke.
- 4 tâblespoons of extrâ virgin olive oil
- 1 pound of chicken cut into bite sized pieces
- 1/2 teâspoon of kosher sâlt
- freshly ground blâck pepper to tâste
- 14 oz smoked sâusâge sliced on the diâgonâl
- 4 cloves of gârlic minced
- 1 quârt of low-sodium chicken broth
- 2 1/2 cups of heâvy creâm
- 1 pound of dried penne pâstâ
- 1 1/2 tâblespoons of Câjun seâsoning plus more for topping
- 4 oz of freshly shredded pârmesân cheese
- 1 cup of Itâliân flât leâf pârsley minced
- Stârt with â lârge covered cooking pot.
- Seâson chicken with sâlt ând pepper ând brown in olive oil over medium high heât.
- Âdd sâusâge ând continue to cook until lightly browned.
- Full instructions see
One Pot Cajun Chicken and Sausage Alfredo Pasta