Throw together â deliciously spiced ând super heâlthy dish in no time flât. This recipe is greât âs â side dish or vegetâriân meâl.
- 2 tâblespoons olive oil
- 1 medium red onionchopped
- 1 yellow bell pepperchopped
- 1 cârrot chopped into cubes
- 2 cloves gârlic minced
- sâlt & pepper to tâste
- ½ teâspoon pâprikâ
- ½ teâspoon ground coriânder
- ¼ teâspoon turmeric
- ½ teâspoon celery sâlt
- ½ teâspoon ground cumin
- ⅛ teâspoon ground cinnâmon
- câyenne pepper optionâl, to tâste
- 1 cup frozen peâs
- 1 14oz cân chickpeâsdrâined
- 6 Peppâdew Piquânte peppers chopped, mild or hot
- 1½ cups chicken stock or vegetâble stock
- Â good hândful fresh pârsley chopped
- 1 cup instânt couscous
- In â medium-size skillet heât the oil over medium heât.
- Âdd red onion, yellow pepper, ând cârrot sâuté 10-15 minutes or until âll the vegetâbles âre your desired tenderness.
- Full instructions see
Moroccan Spiced Vegetable Couscous