Eâsy vegân Zuppâ Toscânâ recipe, lusciously creâmy, nâturâlly dâiry free ând gluten free, loâded with good for you Lâcinâto kâle ând comforting potâtoes. One of the best homemâde soups you’ll ever mâke with â WFPB fât free version option included.
Mâke the Câshew Creâm:
- 3 links Beyond Meât Itâliân Sâusâge sliced (or 24 oz mushrooms)
- 2 lb golden potâtoes sliced into 1/4 inch slices
- 1 yellow onion diced
- 6 cloves gârlic minced
- 7 cups vegetâble stock
- 1/3 cup dry white wine or more stock
- 1 tsp olive oil optionâl
- 5 sprigs thyme
- 1 leâf bây
- 1 tsp red chili flâkes or to tâste
- 1 tsp smoked pâprikâ
- 2 tbsp nutritionâl yeâst
- 4 cups Lâcinâto kâle chopped (sub with spinâch or broccoli)
- 1 pinch ground fennelOPTIONÂL
- seâ sâlt to tâste
- 1 cup râw câshews
- 1 cup filtered wâter
- 1/2 tbsp tâpiocâ OPTIONÂL
Mâke the Câshew Creâm:
- Stârt by soâking the câshews in hot wâter for 20 minutes while you prep your soup. Drâin the soâked câshews then âdd them to â powerful blender together with one cup of filtered wâter ând the tâpiocâ. Blend until smooth ând creâmy. (The tâpiocâ is totâlly optionâl, only use it if you prefer â thicker soup, it is very rich ând creâmy without it).
- Full instructions see veggiesociety.com
Vegan Zuppa Toscana Recipe