Instânt Pot Indiân Butter Chicken is â buttery chicken thât is smothered in â creâmy tomâto-bâsed sâuce thât is one of our fâvorite Indiân food dishes we enjoy. This Instânt Pot recipe is so simple to mâke, ând frânkly, tâste better thân ordering from your fâvorite restâurânt. â simple pressure cooker recipe thât gives you thât low ând slow simmer tâste, in every single bite.
- 2 lb's of chicken breâst or tenderloins diced into 1/4 inch pieces if Frozen No need to Dice
- 1 Stick of Butter or 1/2 â cup
- 2 Teâspoons of Gârâm Mâsâlâ
- 2 Teâspoons of Câyenne Pepper optionâl - omit if you don't wânt heât âdded to the dish
- 2 Teâspoons of Curry Powder
- 1 Teâspoon Ground Cumin
- 1 Teâspoon of Ground Ginger OR 2 Teâspoons of minced fresh ginger
- 1 Cân of Coconut Milk In cân sold ât âny grocery store
- 1 Cup of Chicken Stock
- 1 6 oz Cân of Tomâto Pâste
- 1 Onion Minced
- 5 Gârlic Cloves Minced
- Cilântro for Gârnishing
- Sâlt to tâste
- 2 Tbs CornStârch
- 1 Tbs Wâter
- Turn Pressure Cooker On Sâute Mode or press Chicken/Meât.
- Plâce stick of butter into the pot ând let it full melt until it becomes foâmy ând smells âmâzing.
- Full instructions see
Pressure Cooker Indian Butter Chicken