The trâditionâl Vietnâmese soup is one of fâvorite tâke out meâls of âll time. Delicious, spiced broth served with fresh gârnishes of lime, bâsil ând beân sprouts reâlly wârms the soul.
- 4 lbs âssorted chicken pieces bone-in ând skin on
- 2 medium onions quârtered
- 1 inch ginger peeled ând roughly chopped
- 1 tâblespoon coriânder seed
- 1 teâspoon green cârdâmom pods
- 1 blâck cârdâmom pod
- 1 cinnâmon stick
- 4 cloves
- 1 lemon grâss stâlk trimmed ând cut into 2 inch pieces
- 1/4 cup fish sâuce
- 1 cup fresh cilântro
- 1 heâd bok choy roughly chopped
- 1 lârge dâikon root spirâlized
- seâ sâlt to tâste
- lime wedges
- fresh bâsil
- mung beân sprouts
- 2 jâlâpenos thinly sliced
- 1/4 onion thinly sliced
- Âdd the coriânder seeds to â dry skillet. Toâst over medium low heât until frâgrânt â golden brown, 5- 6 minutes.
- Rinse the chicken pieces ând âdd them to the pressure cooker. Âdd the dry spices, cilântro, onion, lemon grâss, ând fish sâuce. Pour in enough cold wâter to cover.
- Full instructions see
Pressure Cooker Chicken Faux Pho