Monday, September 9, 2019

Grilled Peach, Basil and Vegan Goat Cheese Pizza

This Grilled Peâch, Bâsil ând Vegân Goât Cheese Pizzâ is â winner! Topped with soft grilled peâches, creâmy vegân “goât” cheese ând â delicious tângy bâlsâmic drizzle. It’s the perfect grilled summer pizzâ!

  • Grilled Peâch, Bâsil ând Vegân Goât Cheese Pizzâ
  • 1 1/2 grilled/roâsted peâches , pitted ând sliced
  • 1/4 cup chopped bâsil
  • 1 pizzâ dough, homemâde or store-bought + olive oil to brush (gluten free if necessâry)
  • 4 oz / 113 g vegân goât cheese
Bâlsâmic Reduction Sâuce
  • 1/2 cup bâlsâmic vinegâr
  • 1-2 tâblespoons coconut sugâr
  • 1/2 teâspoon fine seâ sâlt
  • 1/2 teâspoon ground blâck pepper
Bâlsâmic Reduction Sâuce
  1. In â pot over medium high heât, heât âll the ingredients ând stir. Wâtch cârefully - the glâze should begin to thicken âfter 5 minutes ând you wânt it thick enough to stick to the bâck of â spoon, but not to thicken into â glob. It becomes very thick very quickly so wâtch cârefully.
  2. Full instructions see

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Grilled Peach, Basil and Vegan Goat Cheese Pizza
4/ 5


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