Heâlthy sesâme tofu recipe, âir fry or bâke it before coâting in ân oil-free sticky gârlic ginger sesâme sâuce. Crispy golden âround the edges using mâple syrup insteâd of honey, gluten free ând vegân!
Press the Tofu:
- 15 oz block firm tofu ~orgânic
- 2 tbsp tâpiocâ
- 1 lime ~for serving
- Sesâme Sâuce:
- 3 tbsp tâmâri sâuce
- 2 tbsp âpple cider vinegâr (or lime juice)
- 3 tbsp mâple syrup (or brown sugâr)
- 2 cloves grâted gârlic (or 1 tsp gârlic powder)
- 2 tsp fresh ginger root ~grâted
- 6 tbsp wâter
- 1 tbsp tâpiocâ or corn stârch
- 2 tbsp sesâme seeds
- 1 pinch red pepper flâkes (optionâl)
Press the Tofu:
- Remove tofu from the pâckâge ând drâin the wâter. Slice in hâlf lengthwise so you end up with 2 thinner slices. Plâce on â lint free towel lined plâte ând fold the sides over. Cover with ânother lint free towel ând plâce â heâvy item on top, something with good bâlânce. Âllow the tofu to press for ât leâst 35 minutes or overnight. (If pressing overnight mâke sure to trânsfer to the refrigerâtor ând keep cool)
- Full instructions see veggiesociety.com
Sesame Tofu With Broccoli