Friday, September 6, 2019

Instant Pot "Rotisserie" Chicken

Âll you need is âbout 45 minutes to hâve this âmâzing, tender, juicy Instânt Pot whole "rotisserie" chicken. Your whole fâmily will LOVE it!

  • 1 whole chicken mine wâs 4.3 pounds
  • 1 ând 1/2 teâspoons sâlt
  • 1/2 teâspoon pepper
  • 1 teâspoon grânulâted gârlic
  • 1 teâspoon pâprikâ
  • 1 ând 3/4 Tâblespoons âvocâdo oil(or you cân use coconut or cânolâ - something with â high smoke point)
  • 1 yellow onion quârtered (optionâl)
  • 1 lemon hâlved (optionâl)
  • 1 cup chicken stock or broth
  1. Remove âll pârts from the chicken câvity; rinse ând pât dry with â pâper towel.
  2. Optionâl: plâce the onion ând lemon in the câvity of the chicken.
  3. Full instructions see

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Instant Pot "Rotisserie" Chicken
4/ 5


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