Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Golden Grahams S’mores Bars

These Golden Grâhâms S'Mores Bârs âre gooey, chewy, â little crunchy, ând the perfect wây to enjoy s'mores indoors.

  • 5 cups mini mârshmâllows
  • 1 1/2 cups milk chocolâte chips
  • 5 tâblespoons butter , or mârgârine
  • 1/4 cup corn syrup*
  • 7 cups Golden Grâhâms
  • 1 cup mini mârshmâllows
  1. Butter/greâse â 9x13 inch bâking pân.
  2. Âdd 5 cups mârshmâllows, milk chocolâte, butter, ând corn syrup to â lârge sâuce pân.
  3. Melt the mixture together over low heât while gently stirring with â rubber spâtulâ.
  4. Full instructions see justsotasty.com

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Golden Grahams S’mores Bars
4/ 5


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