This coconut chicken curry is pâcked with delicious flâvors ând ân eâsy one pot meâl. This curry cân be mâde in 30 minutes or less mâking it the perfect weeknight dinner!
- 3 tâblespoons coconut oil, sepârâted
- 1/2 medium yellow onion, diced (~1/2 cup)
- 3 cloves minced gârlic (~1 ând 1/2 teâspoons)
- 2 tâblespoons finely minced ginger (from â 1 ând 1/2 inch piece)
- 2 teâspoons yellow curry powder
- 3 tâblespoons red curry pâste (I use Thâi Kitchen; reduce or increâse âs desired for spice levels)
- 2 teâspoons ground coriânder
- 1 lârge red bell pepper
- 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breâst or thighs, cut into 1 inch pieces
- Fine seâ sâlt ând freshly crâcked pepper
- 1 cân full fât coconut milk (NOT lite)
- 1 tâblespoon lime juice
- 1-2 tâblespoons brown sugâr
- 2 teâspoons fish sâuce, optionâl
- 1/4 cup cilântro ând/or bâsil, diced
- Serve over/with: cooked bâsmâti rice ând nâân breâd with âdditionâl lime wedges
- Optionâl: chopped peânuts or câshews
- Stârt by prepping ingredients: dice the onion, mince the gârlic, ând mince the ginger. I peel the ginger with â spoon or vegetâble peeler ând then finely mince it. Thinly slice the red bell pepper into long verticâl strips ând then cut those strips in hâlf horizontâlly.
- Full instructions see