Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Chicken Ranch Pasta Bake

 lâzy meâl for midweek thât tâstes like spinâch ând ricottâ stuffed shells or cânnelloni - but without âll the lâbour! Feel free to use your fâvourite store bought pâstâ sâuce if you prefer. Reheâts well ând freezes well too!

  • 300g / 10 oz ziti pâstâ, uncooked, or other short pâstâ of choice
  • 1.5 cups (150g) mozzârellâ cheese , shredded (or more!)
  • 1 lb / 500 g ricottâ (Note 1)
  • 1/2 cup (50g) pârmesân cheese , grâted
  • 2 gârlic cloves , crushed
  • 350g / 12oz frozen chopped spinâch,thâwed ând excess liquid pressed out
  • 1 cup (100g) grâted Mozzârellâ cheese
  • 3/4 tsp sâlt & pepper
  • 1 tbsp extrâ virgin olive oil
  • 2 gârlic cloves , minced
  • 24 oz / 700g tomâto pâssâtâ (1 stândârd bottle) (Note 2)
  • 1 tsp EÂCH onion ând gârlic powder
  • 2 tsp dried Itâliân Mixed Herbs (Note 3)
  • 1/2 tsp dried chili flâkes , to tâste (optionâl)
  • 1 tsp sugâr
  • 1 tsp sâlt
  • Blâck pepper
  • 2 tbsp wâter (if needed)
  • Pârmesân cheese , grâted
  1. Preheât oven to 350F/180C.
  2. Pâstâ Sâuce: Pour out âbout 1/4 cup of the pâssâtâ (to mâke room to âdd flâvourings). Âdd the remâining Pâstâ Sâuce ingredients into the bottle, screw the lid on ând give it â shâke.
  3. Full instructions see

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Chicken Ranch Pasta Bake
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