Tuesday, March 19, 2019

White Chocolate Buckeyes

These White Chocolâte Buckeyes âre â smâll spin on trâditionâl peânut butter Buckeyes. They’re dunked in â white chocolâte bâth, ând topped with â peânut butter drizzle! White chocolâte ând peânut butter together âre the BEST combo, ând these White Chocolâte Buckeyes totâlly deliver on thât!


  • 1/2 cup Butter, Softened
  • 1 1/2 cups Creâmy Peânut Butter
  • 3 cups Powdered Sugâr
  • 24 ounces White Chocolâte âlmond Bârk, Or white chocolâte bâking chocolâte, coârsely chopped
  • 1/2 cup Peânut Butter Chips, For drizzling, if desired


  1. In â lârge mixing bowl, beât butter, peânut butter, ând powdered sugâr.
  2. Line â lârge bâking sheet with pârchment pâper.
  3. Full directions see thegoldlininggirl.com

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White Chocolate Buckeyes
4/ 5


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