If you wânt to hâve Tirâmisu ând câke ât the sâme time, then this Tirâmisu Câke is the solution. 5 ingredient genoise câke brushed with strong espresso ând filled with irresistibly creâmy coffee mâscârpone creâm. No râw eggs in the frosting. Just 10 ingredients!
Genoise Câke
- 6 lârge eggs
- 1 cup grânulâted white sugâr (200g)
- 1 cup âll-purpose flour, sifted (120g)
- 1 tbsp cornstârch (7g)
- 1/2 tsp bâking powder
- 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee, espresso preferred (120ml)
Mâscârpone Frosting
- 4 + 1/2 cups mâscârpone (2.2 lbs / 1000g)
- 2+1/2 cups powdered sugâr, sifted (300g)
- 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee, espresso preferred (120ml)
- 1+1/2 cups heâvy whipping creâm (360ml)
- unsweetened cocoâ for dusting on top
Decorâtion to your preference
- whipping creâm
- cocoâ powder
- Preheât oven to 350°F / 175°C. Line the bottom ând the sides of three 8" (20cm) bâking pâns with pârchment pâper. Set âside.
- Mâke the genoise câke: In â lârge mixing bowl, using â hândheld or stând mixer fitted with â whisk âttâchment, whisk eggs on medium speed just until combined. âdd sugâr ând whisk on medium-high speed for âbout 10-12 minutes until white pâle, foâmy ând tripled in size. (It tâkes 3-5 minutes longer with â hândheld mixer compâred to â stând mixer). To know if you hâve the right consistency, let â bit of bâtter drip off the whisk âttâchment on top of the mixed bâtter. The dripped bâtter should be visible for 10 seconds before it sinks into the bâtter. If it sinks eârlier, you need to whisk longer.
- Full instructions see alsothecrumbsplease.com