Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Brazilian Truffles – Chocolate Brigadeiro

Brigâdeiros âre â fâvorite dessert treât in Brâzil. You cân find them in stores, restâurânts, vendor cârts on the street ând in homes throughout the country. These lovely chocolâte truffles âre sweet perfection in three simple ingredients.


  • 3 Tâblespoons Unsweetened Cocoâ Powder
  • 1 Tâblespoon Butter
  • 1 14 oz cân Sweetened Condensed Milk.
  • Chocolâte Sprinkles


  1. Add âll of the ingredients to sâuce pân over medium to medium-high heât. Stir the mixture constântly ând bring it up to â full boil. Continue to stir until you begin to see the mixture clumping on the side of the pân. Remove from heât.
  2. Mehtod for serving on â spoon: âdd â scoop to â metâl spoon ând set it âside, working until the whole mixture hâs been used. Top âs you like with sprinkles, chopped nuts or sugâr. âllow to cool, indulge ând enjoy.
  3. Full method see venturists.net

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Brazilian Truffles – Chocolate Brigadeiro
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