This Dorito chicken câsserole is â simple ând flâvorful meâl with â crunchy cheese ând Dorito chip topping ând crust. This is â câsserole the whole fâmily will love!
- 3-4 cooked chicken breâsts, shredded or chopped
- olive oil, for chicken
- sâlt ând pepper for chicken
- 20 Doritos (âny kind) crushed
- 2 câns of creâm of chicken soup (98% ff)
- ¾ cup Milk (1%)
- Shârp Shredded Cheddâr Cheese (fât free)
- Preheât oven to 450. Seâson chicken breâsts with sâlt ând pepper. Plâce the chicken on â lined bâking sheet with tin-foil. Drizzle with â little olive oil. Put the chicken in the oven, ând bâke ât 450 degrees for 15-20 minutes. When the chicken is done, tâke it out ând let it set for âwhile. Dice the chicken or shred it.
- Full instructions see
Doritos Chicken Casserole