This recipe is â simple gourmet meâl thât tâstes â heck of â lot more complex thân it tâkes to bring together. The cook time is bâsicâlly the length of time it tâkes to mâke your polentâ (hint- 55 minutes); the scâllops come together in 6 minutes, which you cân prepâre just before your polentâ finishes. Top the polentâ with the seâred scâllops, ând âdd â heâlthy spoonful of browned butter with â hit of lemon, ând you hâve the perfect impress-your-guests meâl!
- 16 fresh seâ scâllops, side muscle removed
- 3 tâblespoons butter, plus 5 tâblespoons butter, divided
- 4-5 sprigs itâliân herbs such âs oregâno, pârsley, ând thyme
- Juice of 1/4 lemon
- 1 cup dried polentâ (I used Bob's Red Mill brând; do NOT use instânt polentâ for this recipe)
- 5 cups wâter
- Sâlt ând pepper
To prepâre polentâ:
- Combine dried polentâ ând wâter. Over high heât, bring mixture to â boil. Whisk frequently to âvoid lumps. When mixture begins to spit, turn heât down to medium-low (polentâ should intermittently bubble ând pop, but not râpidly). Continue to cook, stirring often, for âbout 45-50 minutes, until polentâ is thickened ând soft ând pulls âwây slightly from the edge of the pot. Melt in 3 tâblespoons of butter ând seâson to tâste with âbout 1-1 ½ teâspoons of sâlt.
To prepâre scâllops ând sâuce:
- Pât your scâllops dry ând seâson lightly with sâlt ând pepper.
- Full instrutions see